Phase III

Phase III will be easier than Phase I and Phase II within the Vegan Warriors Bootcamp. For the past 2 weeks, you have eliminated several meats out of your diet. Therefore, your body should be getting accustomed to gaining more nutrients from a more plant based diet. This is the white phase because you will eliminate eggs, shellfish, dairy, and all animal by products such as gelatin out of your diet. If you have not joined the private Facebook group, join here. This private group is a community of supportive individuals whom are on the same journey to transition to a vegan diet. Also, we help each other stay accountable.

Eliminate eggs and shellfish.png

Week 5

Eliminate eggs and shellfish.

Eliminate dairy and all animal products.png

Week 6

Eliminate dairy.  Eliminate all animal by-products, such as gelatin.


Award Week

For the next 2 weeks, we are going to be chatting within the Facebook Private group about any questions you may have about your transition to a vegan diet. Also, this is award week. In other words, you will receive a gift card to Traders Joes or Whole Foods for making it to the end of this Vegan Warrior 8 Week Program. Thank you for participating in this event. I know it was a challenge. For this reason, I have extended the Vegan Warrior Program for 2 more weeks to make sure you got it. Continue to post in the group.


Obstacle Course

Make your favorite Vegan Dish for your family. Post it in the private Facebook group. Post how your family liked it. If you like to post a video of their reaction, that will be great. Also, post it on your social media. Add #veganwarrior and #8weektransitiontoveganism to the post.